What is Auriculotherapy?
Often described as reflexology for the ear, there are hundreds of points on the ear that are believed to represent a microsystem of the whole body, with points for areas both physical and emotional.
The stimulation of these points is known as Auriculotherapy.
Ear seeds stimulate those points naturally and non-invasively.
How does it work?
Small black seeds from the vaccaria plant or metal pellets are secured on the ear with a piece of adhesive tape over specific acupressure points. The continuous mild pressure they exert is amplified by stimulating the seed with a few seconds of fingertip massage every few hours.

EarSeeds.com is excited to bring complete ear chart kits to people in their homes. Each EarSeed Kit is created by a licensed acupuncturist and contains 120 ear seeds, a stainless steel tweezer and a condition specific graphic image describing how and where to apply the seeds.
Earseeds.com is a family owned business started by Licensed Acupuncturist Elie Goldschmidt and his wife, Tova Gold.
Elie was looking for a way to manage his back pain. He knew acupuncture could help but wasn’t capable of needling himself. Although ear seeds, used in auriculotherapy, wasn’t a major part of his acupuncture practice, he’d always been fascinated with auriculotherapy.
After seeing pictures of actress Penelope Cruz and Matt Damon wearing ear seeds for stress and back pain, and hearing Dr. Oz discuss the benefits of ear seeds on his show, he figured they might work for him too.
Almost immediately upon applying the ear seeds Elie felt a difference in his back and a release of the pain.
After experiencing such positive results from auriculotherapy for his back pain, Elie knew he wanted to find a way to share the benefits of ear seeds with the masses. While a full acupuncture treatment that includes auriculotherapy is ideal, it can be costly and time prohibitive. Elie knew that the seeds alone could make a big difference for so many people, as it did for him.
Meanwhile, Tova, a veteran branding expert and product designer, was skeptical, but agreed to try the stress protocol. She was blown away by the tangible response she had. General calm replaced a racing mind and she found it increased her ability to focus and concentrate. After learning more about Auriculotherapy and Ear Acupressure, Tova agreed to come on board. Just a few months after Elie conceived the idea, the couple launched EarSeeds.com.
Thank you so much for checking out our products and we are confident they can help you on your path to health and wellness!
Below are some articles from our blog to help you learn more about studies done and results shown from the use of Auriculotherapy.
Thanks for stopping by!
3 reasons to wear ear seeds on vacation
Planning a trip this summer? ☀️ Don't forget to pack some ear seeds! Jet lag, motion sickness and flight anxiety can take the fun out of traveling, but there's a natural way to mitigate symptoms before they ruin your vacation. Here are three ways to keep calm and...
5 Powerful Ways Ear Seeds Can Help You Manage Mental Health
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Can ear seeds help you manage your tinnitus?
Do you suffer from tinnitus? Are you looking for a natural, non-invasive way to make it go away? Listen to this! Ear seeding is a holistic healing technique based on the system of auriculotherapy. It involves placing tiny seeds or metal pellets on specific parts of...
What happens if you put an ear seed on the wrong point?
Tova Here! Hi! So. This is my morning routine: Get up, get the kids up, do the morning things, drive the kids to school, head to the EarSeeds office. But every day, almost without fail, I stop between school and work at my local coffee house. Sure, I like the coffee,...
“Spring” into the season with natural pain relief for hips + knees
Happy Spring equinox! If you've been cooped up all winter long, you might be feeling stiff and out of shape. That's because staying idle for extended periods can cause a loss of muscle tone -- and that results in chronic pain, especially during physical activity. But...
Are you losing sleep over Daylight Savings Time?
Feeling cranky lately? You might be sleep deprived. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, we all had to set our clocks forward earlier this week. That means we gained an hour of daylight… but we lost an hour of sleep. Boo. Your body still needs time to adjust to the new...
How can you see back pain on someone’s ear?
This past weekend I did something I haven’t done in yeeeeeears. Let me tell you about it. One of the primary reasons me and Elie moved from New Jersey to San Diego in 2015 was because that was where Elie had gone to school for acupuncture. San Diego was a place that...
What Happens in Vagus: Improve Vagal Tone with Ear Seeds
Research shows that 15 minutes of vagus nerve stimulation a day can significantly reduce stress levels by taming the body's fight-or-flight response. Interestingly, the only part of the human body where the vagus nerve can be accessed from the surface is on the ears. ...
EarSeeds for Headaches and Migraines
Ear seeds put light, continuous pressure on the surface of your ear, stimulating specific nerve endings that send signals to your brain where pain is perceived. They can also help to reduce eye strain and restore balance, alleviating symptoms like vertigo and nausea.
Three Tips for Longer Lasting EarSeeds
Who doesn’t love a sense of certainty? Whether you’re a full-blown control freak or someone who lives in the moment, pretty much everyone agrees: it’s easier to make decisions when you’re sure of yourself! It helps to feel confident that your ear seeds will stay put...
Deep Sleep and Your Pineal Gland: What’s the Link?
Most people have heard of melatonin, and over 3 million Americans take it as a sleep aid. But did you know that it isn't just a supplement -- it's a hormone your body naturally produces? Melatonin modulates the sleep-wake cycle and is responsible for making you drowsy...
Our FAVORITE thing about ear seeds is when THIS happens
We shared this on our TikTok a few weeks ago (P.S. you should go follow us!) and wanted to share it here too. Our wonderful U.S. Postal Worker, Michelle, had chronic wrist, shoulder and back pain from her strenuous job. She felt instant relief from her pain once the...
Several Reasons to Place Ear Seeds on your Auricular Liver Point
https://youtu.be/KlqESdAKrWI Let’s talk about your liver, and why you WANT to place ear seeds on this auricular point. Your liver is located under your rib cage mostly on your right side. The corresponding liver ear point is located on both ears. Placing ear seeds on...
Have Knee & Hip Pain? Ear Seeds Can Help!
https://youtu.be/e_GIYVjeUTg We have had so many requests for a knee and hip pain kit we are excited to have just released our brand new Knee & Hip Pain Ear Seeds Kit! We wanted to share with you why we created this kit and why it’s so effective. There was a...
Sleep better with ear seeds | Melatonin
https://youtu.be/7IGLuPFOa9c Over 3 million people in the US alone take melatonin sleep aids. Is there a point on your ear that can help stimulate melatonin naturally? You bet! Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in your body in your brain by your pineal gland....